The history of silver in Taxco is a fascinating mix of legend and reality. Located in the hills about 100 kilometers southwest of Mexico City, Taxco is one of the oldest mining sites located in North and South America.
As a city, it has retained its natural charm with its beautiful white washed houses, red-tiled roofs, & the narrow cobbled-stoned streets. The main square (Zocalo) in the shade of trees & is dominated by a stunning 240 year-old Santa Prisca Catheral.
Natural resourcesSilver & Conquistadors attracted visitors for hundreds of years.
Before joining the Spanish native Indians called the place Tlach meaning ballgame. According to local legend, a local tribute to the Aztecs had their gold bars. Cortes arrived in 1492, and 1521, the Aztecs were conquered race. In 1522, Cortes staked his mining claim Taxco.
By the late 16th century, Taxco became Spain € ™ s the principle sourcesilver & silver spread throughout Europe. Tiny Taxco became known worldwide for its wealth of beauty & silver.
As a mining center, was the glory Taxcoâs relatively short lived, the 1700 € ™ s, new resources have been easier to be discovered & Taxco mines were abandoned. Then in 1716 his fate once again changed when Don José de la Borda, horseback riding on horseback in the hills, the newly discovered silver Taxco. In recognition of his fortune, Borda built a beautifulBaroque church of Santa Prisca. This beautiful church is visible from all over Taxco, glittering in the sun & remind all who see it from the incredible wealth that one lies in the surrounding hills.
During the 19th century, the Mexican War of Independence the Spanish barons destroyed their mines rather than let fall into the hands of revolutionaries. Without local silver, silver works of art had died out completely & Taxco went into decline, until it was revived unlikelyrescuer, New Orleans, professor of architecture, Bill Spratling.
William Spratling, an American from Tulane University arrived in Taxco in 1926 to study Mexico and its culture and write a book. He fell in love with the area in 1929, he moved permanently to Mexico, where he soon became a leading figure Mexicoâ € ™ s artistic community. In 1931, after passing conversation with U.S. Ambassador, Taxco Spratling discovered that was the site of silver mines for centuries,but unfortunately has never been regarded as a place where the silver jewelry and silver objects designed and built. This comment has changed course in economic history and art Taxco forever.
Mr. Spratling soon discovered a hidden talent from the local community, encourage local artisans to create new designs and remember the silversmithing craft. It was a system of apprenticeship training young silversmiths with artistic talent and gave them the opportunity todevelop their skills.
Great beauty and quality based on Taxco gained worldwide recognition and fame once again to Mexico. Over time many of these artisans opened workshops and stores of their own-all encouraged by his unwavering support.
Taxco each November to honor their source of wealth and glory with the world famous Silver Fair (or the Feria Nacional de La Plata), where artisans, artists and silversmiths show their work and national award is awarded to the bestsilver artist exhibition.
Today is intended Taxco a national monument and is known throughout the world for quality and imagination of its Silver Jewelry.
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